Heydon Pickering




CSS Day 2023



Why Doesn't CSS Have Scope?

People talk a lot about how CSS “isn’t scoped” and that this is a problem somehow. But what do they mean? Isn’t apportioning scope to style what CSS is for? This session will ask whether “global” CSS is such a bad thing, if stylesheets themselves are really a good thing, if we really need to rely on a framework developed at a genocide fomenting social media company to add scope to CSS, and what we can learn about CSS from the critical reception of Swedish death metal band Entombed’s 1996 album, “To Ride, Shoot Straight, and Speak The Truth”.

Presentation Video

Heydon Pickering




CSS Day 2019 + UI Special



Flexbox Holy Albatross

With the Lobotomized Owl Selector and now the Flexbox Holy Albatross I'm worried people are going to think I have a thing about birds. I mean, it's pretty cool that birds are essentially fluffy dinosaurs. Then again, crocodiles are kind of actual, real dinosaurs, still living today! So, like, they win on that count. Wait, how did crocodiles survive the meteorite impact when all the other dinosaurs died off? What did they know that velociraptors didn't? Did they have bunkers? In any case, this talk is the story of a peculiar and peculiarly named CSS layout technique I came up with, what it means to write algorithmic layouts, and how to integrate this layout primitive into your design system via the custom elements spec.

Presentation Video

Heydon Pickering


CSS Day 2014


Effortless Style

Classes, and the CSS methodologies based on them, have begot a component based approach to styling web pages. This results in a form of presentational markup that, despite breaking with the "separation of concerns" principle, has proven to be a popular approach to collaborating on style schemas. However, methodologies and standards are not equivalent and inviting the explicit prescription of CSS into the editorial process will quickly alienate non-developers charged with simply writing content. This session will explore ways to help content editors elicit stylistic nuances without having to think about design or CSS at all.

Slides of the presentationPresentation Video